
Role of health-related claims and symbols in consumer behaviour

Published: 03/02/2021

CLYMBOL (Role of health-related claims and symbols in consumer behaviour) is a four year research project that will provide insights into consumer understanding and behaviour related to health information. This project is funded under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration.

The role of health claims and symbols in consumer behaviour will be measured based upon the latest developments in cognitive and behavioural science. The range of studies includes pan- European surveys, experiments in actual supermarkets and analysis of population data. CLYMBOL will also develop guidelines directed towards health claims and symbols.

The CLYMBOL consortium gathers 14 partners from 9 countries with expertise in various fields: cognitive consumer psychology, economics, marketing, nutrition and public health. A retailer is also part of the group, ensuring that the research can be carried out in real-life settings.

The project also relies on the involvement of stakeholders from various sectors (regulators, national authority, industry, consumers, healthcare providers and patients) to ensure results with high practical relevance. Stakeholder engagement has resulted in the creation of a Stakeholder Advisory Board (SAB) in which FoodDrinkEurope takes part. The SAB convenes annually and is provided with periodic progress updates.