Ferrero supports the notion that responsible commercial communications can assist consumers in making appropriate choices about food and beverage products, as well as in understanding the role of nutrition, diet and physical activity in order to achieve a globally healthy and active lifestyle. By conveying commercial communications consistent with the principles of good nutrition, balanced diet, physical activity and personal choice, industry can play an important role. This is why, since 2009, Ferrero is one of the signatories of the EU Pledge, an industry commitment to change the way food and beverage is advertised on TV, print and internet to children under the age of 12 in the EU.
Ferrero’s commitments within the EU Pledge are as follows:
1) Commitments on advertising and marketing to children
Starting from 1st January 2017, Ferrero commits:
• Not to advertise its products at all to media audiences with more than 35% children under 12 years; OR
• Only advertise its products that meet the common EU Pledge Nutrition Criteria to media audiences with more than 35% children under 12 years.
The above commitments apply to the following covered media: TV, radio, print, cinema, online (including company-owned websites), DVD/CD-ROM, direct marketing, product placement, interactive games, outdoor marketing, mobile and SMS marketing. Where no reliable audience measurement data is available, Ferrero commits to considering not only the placement, but also the overall impression of the marketing communication, to ensure that, if the product in question does not meet the common nutrition criteria, the communication is not designed to appeal primarily to children under 12.
2) Commitment on communications in schools
Ferrero believes that, in many situations, sponsorship agreements maybe beneficial for funding essential educational activities, such as the development of sports in schools. However, such activities should take place only with the express agreement of the competent school authorities concerned. In line with the above considerations, Ferrero commits not to carry out any marketing communications related to its food products in primary school, except where specifically requested by, or agreed with, the school administration, for educational purposes.