
EU sets the standard as global leaders tackle sustainable food

Published: 23/09/2021

(Brussels, 23 September 2021) Today, the United Nations will host a Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) held during the UN General Assembly in New York. It is the first global meeting of its kind, moving food sustainability to the top of the political agenda. At the summit, the EU will showcase its global leadership in the transition towards more sustainable food systems, including the recently launched EU Code of Conduct for responsible food business and marketing practices.

Comment from FoodDrinkEurope’s Deputy Director General Dirk Jacobs:

The UN summit is a seminal moment for sustainable food systems, and we hope it will galvanise the global community into action in the same way similar summits have driven action on climate change.

“As the largest exporter and one of the largest importers of food worldwide, the European food and drink manufacturing industry is determined to take lead on food sustainability together with our partners from around the world. 

We call on global leaders to use their stage today to keep sustainable food systems at the top of the political agenda to ensure the food and diets we enjoy are both good for us and for the environment.

“In terms of concrete actions, we expect EU representatives to showcase the EU’s code on food sustainability (the Code of Conduct on Responsible Food Business and Marketing Practices), which FoodDrinkEurope proudly supports.

“The Code is a global first and has already attracted over 80 EU associations from farm to fork, and major European companies that have scale and impact worldwide.

“The Code has shown its worth as a tool to generate further commitments and pledges from the private sector and is an example of a potential ‘game-changing’ solution for the summit. But to succeed, the SMEs that make up 99% of the food manufacturing sector will also need support.

We look forward to seeing a concrete, actionable and positive follow-up to today’s summit and to playing our full role towards achieving sustainable food systems.