
FoodDrinkEurope position: substantiating green claims (detailed)

Published: 13/10/2021

FoodDrinkEurope members are committed to increasing transparency on the environmental footprint of food and drink products and provide clear and reliable information to consumers.

We therefore support the European Commission’s intention to propose policy on green claims which aims to establish an EU harmonised legislative framework for the voluntary provision of product environmental footprint information to consumers.

We would like to provide further thoughts building on our earlier response to the public consultation on the green claims initiative. We call on the European Commission to take this input into account during the impact assessment of the green claims initiative. Our comments revolve around the following:

  • The scope of the new policy framework (incl. the definitions of ‘environmental footprint’ and ‘green claims’)
  • Suggestions for the policy framework impact assessment
  • The simplification of the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) methodology
  • Key principles for the communication of environmental footprint information to consumers
  • Comparability of environmental footprint information
  • The flexibility for making green claims