
ETP Food for Life

Driving innovation, knowledge transfer and European competitiveness.

FoodDrinkEurope holds the secretariat of the European Technology Platform: Food for Life.

European Technology Platforms (ETPs) are industry-led stakeholder fora recognised by the European Commission for their role in driving innovation, knowledge transfer and European competitiveness.

ETPs develop research and innovation agendas and roadmaps for action at EU and national level to be supported by both private and public funding. They mobilise stakeholders to deliver on agreed priorities, share information across the EU and help deliver solutions to major challenges of key concern to citizens.

The inclusion of a food-themed ETP as an important element in the EU innovation ecosystem is justified by the challenging opportunities for improving welfare and wellbeing in the EU through research and innovation in the food area. In addition, the EU food and drink industry is the largest manufacturing industry in the EU and represents a key driver of the EU economy.

The ETP Food for Life aims to deliver a pre-competitive research strategy and ensure a collaborative approach in the execution of the implementation agenda for the European food industry, targeted towards:

  • A sustainable food supply, including food processing, new technologies, and consumer acceptance through a food chain approach
  • The prevention of the rise in non-communicable diseases, focusing on nutrition and behaviour changes

  • Mobilising stakeholders in the food and drink industry
  • Guiding R&I efforts through agendas and roadmaps
  • Taking a holistic approach to the food system
  • Encourage collaboration across different sector

Industry Members of the Leadership Team

  1. Gert W. Meijer, Deputy Head Corporate Regulatory and Scientific Affairs for Nestlé (Chair)
  2. Frans Egberts (Honorific member), Dutch Meat Products Association (VNV) and former Manager Director for Henri van de Bilt B.V.
  3. Dimitris Ladikos, R&D and Quality Assurance Director for YIOTIS
  4. Gerhard Wagner, R&D Director DSM Biotechnology Center for DSM
  5. Geert Maesmans, Director Research and Development for Cargill Food
  6. Deirdre Smith, Global Vice President of Technology Innovation for Kerry
  7. Ana Piekarz, Global Head ESG Nutrition for The Kraft Heinz Company
  8. Bruno Dasque, Vice President R&I – Europe for Danone.

Academic Members of the Leadership Team

  1. Tim Hogg, Reader at the Catholic University of Portugal (Vice-Chair) (Portugal)
  2. Vincenzo Fogliano, Professor at the University of Wageningen (The Netherlands)
  3. Luca Cocolin, Professor at the University of Torino (Italy)
  4. John Ingram, Associate Professor at the University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
  5. Liisa Lähteenmäki, Professor at Aarhus University (Denmark)
  6. Karin Schwarz, Professor at the University of Kiel (Germany)
  7. Lilia Ahrné, Professor at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark)

Your contact

Lorenza Lirosi

Manager, Food Safety, Research & Innovation, ETP 'Food For Life' secretariat

Lorenza Lirosi