
Spanish food and drink industry joins SmartROOT

Published: 12/02/2021

The Spanish Federation of Food and Beverage Industries (FIAB) participates in the European project SmartROOT ( Smart FaRming innOvatiOn Training ), to introduce new technologies to food and drink SMEs, with the aim of familiarising the workers with its use and promote the application of new knowledge and methodologies that can be used in their production processes.

SmartROOT will train future agri-food professionals in digital technologies with a view to climate change adaptation.

This European project, financed through the Erasmus+ program and the Key Action 2 program, will promote synergies between the different sectors of the industry (and between different countries) and will broaden the knowledge of food workers.

The consortium is made up of seven strategic partners from various countries of the European Union, who will work together on the development of an international Master’s degree on agri-food systems. The degree will address topics such as digitalisation and new technologies in work processes to improve climate change adaptation.

Also in the ranks of the consortium are higher education institutions, such as the University of Western Macedonia (UOWM); the International Hellenic University (IHU), in Greece; the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), in Sweden; and other companies or entities related to the sector, such as Sidroco Holdings Limited, INFALIA PC and Agrivi DOO

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