During the past years, the Federation of Hellenic Food Industries (SEVT) has supported the efforts of the Greek Food Industry around product reformulation. SEVT is promoting a holistic approach towards the promotion of good health and adoption of a balanced and healthy diet, through the moderate consumption of all food products, combined with physical activity. Education and awareness for healthier lifestyles are also critical factors that complement these efforts.
In this context, SEVT participated in a Working Group of the National Nutritional Policy Committee of the Greek Ministry of Health, bringing together public authorities, the academic community and the private sector. The main objective was to develop a National Action Plan on product reformulation, considering scientific evidence, local nutritional habits, traditional products, consumers’ preferences, technological progress and food safety. The Action Plan was signed in June 2018.
Furthermore, SEVT initiated a research among its company members to monitor the progress made by the Greek food industry on product reformulation during the past years. The results of the 1st research (2010-2018) showed that companies are acting positively and proactively, in order to:
- reduce salt, sugar, and saturated fat;
- reduce and control portion sizes;
- develop new products with improved nutritional profiles.
In 2021, the research was repeated (2nd research for period 2010-2020). The results highlighted again the continuous effort of the companies to optimise their products and mainly to develop new healthier options that correspond to the new consumer trends and the increased demand for healthier options.
The research will be repeated every 2 years.
SEVT is constantly monitoring global nutritional trends and needs, taking action for the benefit of consumers and the food sector.