
Fund for Food & Health

Published: 03/02/2018

The Belgian food and drink federation’s Fund for Food & Health is a partnership with the King Baudouin Foundation created in 2006, which supports educational projects promoting nutrition, physical activity and a healthy way of living aimed at children between 6 and 18 years old, in their community (school, sport and youth associations).

The foundation has supported more than 100 projects since its launch. These include the ‘A l’école de Bilstain, mangeons bien et bougeons malin !’, a project to educate students about the importance of a healthy diet and physical activity in a school in Bilstain, Belgium and the ‘Healthy in movement’, an organisation of a weekly veggie day by cooking together with the children as well as working together in the kitchen garden at a school in Alken, Belgium.

A significant annual financial contribution of €50,000 has been dedicated to the foundation since 2006.

In 2016, 9 new projects received financial support:

  • 3 projects (2 Flanders and 1 Wallonia) targeting underprivileged children.
  • 4 projects (3 Flanders and 1 Wallonia) involving schools or after school settings.
  • 2 community-based projects in Wallonia.
  • In total, 13590 children and adolescents were reached with projects supported by the FEVIA fund

In 2017, 11 projects received financial support:

  • 6 projects (3 Flanders, 2 Wallonia and 1 Brussels) were targeted at underprivileged children and/or families.
  • 4 projects (2 Flanders, 1 Wallonia and 1 Brussels) were in a school or after school setting.
  • 1 project (in Flanders) was community based.

In 2018, 50 000 Euros have been allocated to 12 projects (6 in Flanders, 6 in Wallonia). Each project is awarded a financial support between € 1 000 and € 5 000:

– 5 projects were targeted at underprivileged children and/or families.

– 4 projects were in a school or after school setting.

– 3 projects were community based.

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